Like reading short stories, but prefer when they're all gathered in a single book that's convenient to kick back and enjoy? Well, here's some good news for you!
While Colin dives into coloring Issue 7, I'm looking to gather together our shorts into a proper collection of their own. Dustfall will include every short story we've worked on for Folklore so far, adding a ton of depth and lore to the world in a way that doesn't need to follow the main characters or plot. Some of these stories are already on our site -- but to be honest, it's very, very hard to be your own editor, and I've learned and improved my creative writing a lot over the years.
Each of these stories will be getting a full revision and update, and I'll be adding an additional story to the collection bringing the total number of shorts to 11. Cover art for Dustfall was handled by the wonderfully talented Bailie Rosenlund, who you can follow on Twitter for girls with swords and cryptids.
We're really excited to be able to offer this in the future, and our plans is to have a digital version available alongside a full print run. We'll let you know when we get closer to the launch date, but in the meantime if there are any elements of Folklore's world that you'd like to see us explore just let us know!
Thanks for your patience! We'll be back again next week with a progress update on Issue 7, including a possible ETA for launch!